4 Best Plumbing PVC Cement & Glue to Handle High Pressure

Best PVC Cement & Glue That Can Handle High Pressure
Best PVC Cement & Glue That Can Handle High Pressure

The 4 Best PVC Glue and PVC Cement are:

  1. Oatey PVC Regular Cement (An affordable, easy to use, durable & fast drying PVC Cement)
  2. Weld-On Industrial Grade PVC Cement (Best suited for industrial application to handle large pipes, weight & pressure)
  3. Gorilla Clear PVC Glue (A low scent and very safe PVC glue)
  4. HH-66 PVC Vinyl Cement Glue (Ideal for gluing any fabric made of PVC)

1- Oatey PVC Cement

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Oatey is the brand of PVC Cement that I use and recommend. They are relatively fast drying and most importantly they create strong and durable bonds which is why I use them for any of plumbing work. Citation.Opens in a new tab.

Advantages of Oatey PVC Cement

1- Creates Strong & Durable Bonds

Oatey PVC Cement work by chemically welding materials that are made of PVC such as PVC pipes together creating an almost unbreakable bond.

PVC Cement work by fusing the two material together at the molecular level creating one uniform structure. Now once applied correctly this bond would last the lifespan of the PVC material.

2- Easy to Use

Oatey PVC Cement are very easy to use and don’t require any special training or tools. To use you need to:

How to Apply PVC Cement

  • Firstly clean and then dry the area that you are about to join together.
  • Next if you want an extra durable bond that can handle extreme pressure you need to apply a primer
  • Now you don’t necessarily need to use a primer but if you know that the pipe or material will be under a lot of stress you definitely should.
  • Once you have applied your primer you can proceed to apply your PVC Cement on both of the parts that you are joining together.
  • Finally join the the two materials together and hold them in place for around 30-45 seconds for the PVC Cement to set.
  • You can check out the video below to see exactly how use it.

3- Fast Drying

Oatey Regular PVC Cement can set within 30-45 seconds and cures completely within 15 minutes. Once cured the material can handle water and strain.

4- Safe to Use

Oatey PVC Cement are approved to be used on pipes that carry drinkable and potable water. Citation.Opens in a new tab.

Drawbacks of Oatey PVC Cement

1- Not Suited For Very Large Pipes

Oatey Regular PVC Cement shouldn’t be used for joining large heavy pipes – the manufacturer recommends them for pipes 4 inches in diameter.

For larger pipes you would need to use a heavy duty industrial PVC Cement which tends to take much longer to dry and cure.

2- Best Used With a Primer

For best results you should use Oatey Regular PVC Cement in conjunction with a primer.

Where to Get Oatey PVC Cement

I found a really affordable combo set on Amazon which includes both of Oatey PVC Primer and their Cement. You can click here to see the current price for it.Opens in a new tab.

2- Weld-On Industrial PVC Cement

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Weld-On is an industrial grade PVC Cement and works the same way like Oatey meaning that it fuses together PVC Parts forming a very strong and permanent bond. It is also applied the same way as Oatey and should be used with a primer. Citation.

But Weld-On is more suited for commercial work since it can join large pipes up to around 12 inches in diameter and can handle more weight and stress without breaking.

Now the main drawback with Weld-On is that they take longer cure – roughly 24 hours depending on the size of the pipe, which is why it’s not really recommended for small household jobs.

Where to Get Weld-On PVC Cement

Another drawback is that Weld-On tends to be a bit more pricey, but Amazon usually have them at decent prices you can click here to see the current price for a can of Weld-On Industrial Grade PVC Cement there.Opens in a new tab.

And you can and should also get a primer to go with it, you can click here to see the cost for a can of heavy duty Weld-On Primer.Opens in a new tab.

3- Gorilla PVC Glue

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Gorilla PVC Glue is one of the easiest and quickest ways to join PVC materials and pipes together. This is because you won’t need to use a primer since Gorilla PVC Glue is both a PVC Glue and Primer in one. Additionally Gorilla PVC Glue has almost no scent and is very Eco-friendly.

But the main issue with Gorilla PVC Glue is that it isn’t as durable as standard PVC Cement which works at a molecular level to bond the PVC pipes together. Whilst Gorilla is a PVC Glue which acts like a regular sticky adhesive.

Now PVC glues are strong but they tend to can’t handle extreme weather and temperature changes and they are not as long lasting and durable like PVC Cement.

Where You Can Get Gorilla PVC Glue

You can get Gorilla PVC Glue on Amazon, you can click here to see the current price for a can there.Opens in a new tab.

4- HH-66 PVC Vinyl Cement Glue

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HH-66 is great for gluing Vinyl and it is exceptionally good at joining and repairing fabrics made out of or coated with PVC. It is also fast drying and doesn’t require the use of primer.

You can click here to see the current price for a Can of HH-66 PVC GlueOpens in a new tab..

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